
Back to speed

by Mee ChaApr 6th, 2021

Full bloom

It's spring. We are back! We have a cadence!

I thought I would take some time to update the website with the latest episodes and at the same time write a bit about what's been going on with the Poor People Podcast.

Good news, we are still here! Awesome! We were gone for a bit there at the end of 2020 for no good reason other than slacking. We had a backlog of recordings we needed to edit, and it kept getting pushed. We've mostly caught up and made a conscious decision not to record if we do not edit. No more large backlogs!

Learning points:

  • We're very good at meeting and recording
  • Not great at editing on time
  • We need to hold ourselves accountable


The accountability thing is a bit tricky because none of us are monetizing this or getting paid, and also it was meant to be casual. But one thing we did do was set goals for 2021 and a part of that was to get better at releasing on a more standard schedule. How did we do that?

We created added a single spreadsheet to track all of our recordings with the following columns:

  • date of recording
  • topic/theme of the content
  • status (recorded, being edited, done editing)
  • name of person editing episode
  • goal date of publishing
  • actual publish date

We're hoping those last two will provide us some sense of urgency and accountability. So far, we've been decent!

A new sub segment?

We already recorded an episode for our new ongoing subsegment called "Why we like beer," an inside joke about you-know-who and got away with you-know-what, moreover not being held accountable. The premise of this sub-segment is around problems women face in everyday society.

We're looking forward to having more surprise subsegment episodes for everyone!

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite

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